My Gene Keys Journey

My first contact with the Gene Keys took place in October 2019 during the Personality Typing Summit: this event proposed, through different systems and practices, to discover and embody the unique gifts, patterns and talents of our personality type as a path to life, love and prosperity! Suffice to say, as someone who is passionate about self-discovery and the unknown, I didn’t hesitate for a second to sign up.

Richard Rudd, founder of Gene Keys®, presented the conference: “Unlock your higher purpose through the living wisdom hidden in the Keys of your DNA”. It is through the contemplation of the unique sequences composed by the Keys linked to our DNA that we gain access to their teachings. As we contemplate them, their wisdom seeps into us. When we have assimilated it, we can apply it in our daily lives and our problems, one by one, begin to fade away and we find ourselves living a new and brighter life. This is the power to unlock our higher purpose hidden in our DNA. Our individual hologenetic profile is the key to this portal.

And then, WHAM! it was love at first sight, the immediate certainty that I’d finally found what I’d been looking for for so long and what I needed to continue my personal and spiritual growth.

After the conference, I downloaded my free hologenetic profile (date, time and place of birth are requested)  as well as the 1st step of the Golden Path (in English). This is the Activation Sequence. (Note: the hologenetic profile is available in French here). I also bought the Activation Sequence course, which provided the book in pdf (which I have since bought in hard copy to complete my library of wisdom books!).

Three independent complementary paths enable you to follow the Golden Path, although I encourage you to follow the sequence in order:

  • Part 1 (green): Genius (Activation Sequence): fulfilling my higher purpose
  • Part 2 (red): Love (Venus Sequence): open my heart and keep it open
  • Part 3 (blue): Prosperity (Pearl Sequence): bringing grace and happiness back into my life

I must admit that at first I was put off by the apparent complexity of this tool for self-knowledge and personal development, derived from the Chinese I Ching (Book of Changes), astrology, ancient wisdoms and Human Design! The vocabulary was completely new and the mind was no help – quite the contrary!

So I put the Gene Keys on hold… until the day Richard Rudd proposed the ‘Deep Dive into Genius’, a 4-month virtual retreat that he hosted and that enabled more than 1000 participants from all over the world to go through the Activation Sequence: contemplations, meditations, webinars, meetings in small groups with Zoom, personal work… I was able to progress at my own pace, while being carried along by the energy of the group. It’s been magical, and I made some deep and unlikely friendships all over the world!

I have become familiar with the vocabulary, the way we interacted with each other and, above all with the essence of the work: Contemplation, Gentleness, Patience and Inquiry. The Keys vibrate through 3 levels of frequencies: Shadow, Gift and Siddhi (fulfilment). To keep it simple, Contemplation consists of recognising and welcoming our Shadows (the wounded parts of ourselves that we find difficult to admit), accepting them and transmuting them in order to gather the Gifts that they conceal.

And then there was there were the ‘Deep Dive into Love’ (Venus) for 6 months, the reading and integration of the Art of Contemplation, the transmission of the Seven Sacred Seals and the transmission of the Mudra linked to the Siddhi (the
mudra are sacred hand postures that calm the mind and encourage concentration).

I was delighted and a little excited to meet up again with my ‘travelling partners’ in the ‘Deep Dive into Prosperity’ (Perle) which started at the beginning of November for three months and I’ve made some new ones!

Mid-September, I joined the French translation team to make this wisdom accessible to French- speaking people. It’s a long-term job, given the amount of material that the Gene Keys offer (books, online courses, virtual retreats, audio, videos, articles…). Furthermore, nothing is static – everything evolves! We strive to translate Richard Rudd’s transmission with all its poetry and as close to its frequency as possible. Initially, we have concentrated our efforts on the various elements of the free hologenetic profile before beginning the translations. The Art of Contemplation and Genius were sent to Gene Keys Publishing before Christmas and are awaiting publication. A French  website is in the pipeline.

Finally, over the summer, followed the Guides Programme to be able to accompany you in French on this magnificent path that brings so much understanding and serenity. The first four Keys (Activation Sequence) concern our Life’s Work, our Evolution, our Radiance and our Destiny. If you ask yourself questions about the reason why you are here on Earth you will no doubt find some answers.

Important fact: I don’t have any answers for you! I guide you with patience and gentleness, so that YOU FIND WITHIN YOURSELF and through your life experiences the different patterns that present themselves to you and lead you towards the revelation of your Gifts.

Information will soon be available here. If you are interested, give me a call! If you contact me by mail, I will be delighted to get back to you within 48 hours, excluding weekends, public holidays and holidays.