My Code of Ethics as a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master – Practitioner



♥ As a Reiki Usui and Karuna® Master – practitioner, I followed the training and received the initiation from a teacher whose lineage goes back to Mikao Usui. A certificate was delivered to me at the end of every training level.

♥ My Reiki Usui lineage, continuous chain from Master to Master who maintains the authenticity and the purity of the education transmitted from heart to heart and spirit to spirit, is the following one:

         Mikao Usui

          Chujiro Hayashi

          Hawao Takata

          Phyllis Lei Furomoto

          Carell Farmer

          Leah Smith

          William L. Rand

          Florence Dussaussay

♥ I declare consciously that Reiki has for vocation to register among the well-being, energetic and support techniques. Reiki does not substitute to conventional medicine nor replaces in no case any medical treatments. Reiki has, in one way or another, no belonging to whatever religious or sectarian order.

♥ I am committed to respect Mikao Usui’s teaching, to follow the Reiki Five Principles and to favor their spreading. These Ideals are a guide of permanent conduct in everyday life, as well as an important part of the Reiki teaching and practice:

                                Just for today,

          Free yourself of any anger,

          Free yourself of any concern,

          Show gratitude,

          Work hard on yourself,

          ✩ Be gentle with others.

Therefore, I commit to work always with Honesty, Respect, Consciousness and Love.

♥ I follow a healthy lifestyle during my Reiki activities.

♥ In order to pursue my own opening and personal and professional evolution path at every level, according to the Reiki spirit, I am eager to increase my knowledge and my own experience by training constantly (self-education, seminars, courses, conferences, trainings, readings, searches).

My commitments towards consultants

♥ I give any useful information to every person asking for a Reiki session, with an honest and transparent communication on Reiki, its nature, its potential and its limits, the duration and the modalities of the Reiki sessions as well as my rates  

♥ I am committed to have an irreproachable conduct toward every person. I adapt my practice according to the needs of every person, with an empathic listening, full of the biggest respect, attention and benevolence.

♥ For every person looking for greater well-being, in search of clarity, of authenticity or in particular trouble, I commit, by a just attitude, to show humility without ingesting nor interfering in one’s life.

♥ I encourage every person to make one’s own decisions on one’s path of life, to develop one’s skills and talents in a perspective of autonomy, responsibility and evolution. I invite every person to appeal to one’s freewill, discernment and personal potential to become an actor of one’s life.

♥ Completely trusting in the self-healing capacity of every person and one’s rich potential, I am eager to transmit to every person this confidence, thus favoring an awareness of one’s self-respect and self-love.

♥ I respect every person in one’s whole being, in the physical, psychic and spiritual plans and take care of everyone with the highest respect regarding one’s dignity, needs and individual values. The Reiki is neither a religion nor a sect and the consultant is free regarding faith and convictions.

♥ Clothes do not hinder the action of Reiki: the person receiving Reiki is fully dressed. Shoes only are removed.

♥ Reiki is given by gently laying on of hands. If the person asks for it, I can as well practice without physical contact by maintaining my hands a few centimeters away from the body.

♥ There is no sexual touching, abuse of power, moral or sexual harassment or any other kind of abuse, whatever abuse or domain it is.

♥ Practicing in a “therapeutic” aim of natural well-being frame, I can’t have relations with the consultant other than these, in particular intimate relations.

I never interfere in the relation between the consultant and the medical profession. Reiki, as an energetic system, can complete advantageously a health treatment program by accelerating its effects or by limiting the side effects of certain treatments. It does not substitute for medical treatments. Under no circumstances I could make any diagnosis, give any prescription, modify or advise to stop the consultant’s medical or psychological treatment.

♥ Subject to a “best endeavors” obligation, I cannot ensure results, nor miraculous healing. However I commit to use all my knowledge and skills in various domains of therapy and/or support to help the consultant.

For young children, the presence of a parent / relative is required.

I never have to make a commitment in a practice of care; in case of impossibility, I can advise and direct the consultant to a colleague.

♥ I provide the continuity of my support to the consultant. However, without notable change after several care, I do not incite the consultant to retain my services.

♥ I encourage no dependence: the consultant is free to stop the care at any time, without justification.

♥ Being conscious of the specific relation that binds me to the consultants, I keep a posture of restraint in any event to respect their life.

♥ Bound by professional secrecy, I respect the confidentiality of the information received from the person during a session, whatever the nature is. The professional secrecy extends to all that I can see, hear or understand during the practice. I protect the anonymity of the people who consult me or consulted me.

♥ I receive every person in an adapted, reassuring, pleasant and comfortable place. I give home care for the people who cannot move.

My commitments towards my colleagues

♥ I have reserve rights towards my colleagues and other healthcare professionals. I am willing to establish and keep honest and harmonious relations with all of them.


♥ My fees are fixed according to one of the Reiki principles: earn honestly my living by a just remuneration.

♥ I give consultants, clearly before the session, the contents, the duration, the cost of the Reiki session, as well as the accepted forms of payment (check or cash).

The payment of the fees is made at the end of every session.


I declare to conform to the French tax system and law.

♥ Any information to the public (advertising, articles, publications, radio programs or TV, etc.) is and will be expressed in a simple and honest way, with my personality, the nature of the supplied care and the expected results.

Nobody has the right to use my name and title in an informative or advertising text without my written authorization.

♥ My Code of Ethics as a Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master – Practitioner is public and freely available for all.


Designed on October 13th, 2017.

Florence Dussaussay