My lifelong quest to understand the mysteries of the Universe has led me to explore spirituality, ancient civilizations and sacred sites around the world. My path was marked by a profoundly transformative experience of Light, which changed my vision of life and my spiritual mission.
Passionate about finding the meaning of our existence, I traveled to mystical places like Delphi, Machu Picchu, Giza and many others, nourishing my spiritual vision. But it was through human encounters and personal discoveries that I found my path: to accompany each individual towards self-healing, so that they can blossom fully and realize their unique potential.
With over 30 years’ professional experience in a variety of environments, I’ve come to understand that the human factor is at the heart of all success. Today, thanks to the deepening of Reiki and spirituality, I put my knowledge and experience at the service of others, to guide them on their path to healing and personal fulfillment.
In 2016, I opened my practice as a caring, listening space, where anyone could rediscover their balance, inner peace and reconnect with their true nature. Since June 2024, I have chosen to embark on a new adventure by offering home treatments, remotely or by videoconference, in order to adapt to each person’s needs and rhythms. My aim is to guide each person, with gentleness and respect, on their path of personal transformation, without judgment or guilt, towards their own light.
Driven by a constant passion and an insatiable thirst for new discoveries, I’m constantly exploring different avenues to deepen my knowledge and mastery in the field of vibratory treatments. Through readings, conferences, video series and training courses, I am enriched by new practices and theories, particularly in sacred geometry, the power of color and sound, and energy therapies.